Hollywood got a bad virus this week - the GI kind. She stayed home from school Friday. She missed a school party Friday night - instead she was getting worse and had a ton of pain in her abdomen. I worried that it was more than just some sort of stomach flu. About midnight I decided she needed some help. I drove her to the ER. She had a couple of firsts last night. First blood draw - and thankfully the kind woman doing it was quick and kept it pain free. First IV - started by a male nurse who was funny and kind. He numbed it up first and she had no trouble at all. She has always been one to panic about shots, so the thought of those 2 things happening scared her to tears. I talked to her about it before they came in and gave her a pep talk and told her exactly what to expect. It helped and so did the kindness and understanding of the 2 hospital people involved. She was smiling when it was over. Here's proof:
We were home from the hospital around 3:30am. They gave her some anti-nausea medication in her IV and sent her home with some more. She needed it again around 8:00 am when she was on the toilet again. She went back to bed and slept until after 11 this morning. Finally around 1:00 she ate some rice and drank something. She kept it down, so yay!
Earlier this week while Lil Bro was watching SpongeBob and I was getting him dressed he turned and looked at me and said, "I don't have a dad." I'm like whaaaat? He repeated it again. I wondered where he got that idea from. I didn't figure out that I didn't have a dad until I was at least 6. That was before my dad adopted me - before he was in the picture at all. I told Lil Bro that some kids don't have dads, that some kids don't have moms - he got a mom, me. He seemed okay with that.
Honestly, we have not talked much about his adoption together. I tell him that I went to Vietnam and got him when he was a baby, that he lived in an orphanage with other babies, we look at pictures from the trip sometimes but he is still young and doesn't have a clue where babies come from in the first place. I struggle a bit with that because I don't want him to feel different from my other (bio) kids. I don't feel any difference in the love that I have for each of them.
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