Thursday, December 8, 2011


Random updates:

Lil Bro - doing great! It is coming up on the 3rd anniversary of his adoption next week. Three years have seriously flown by. Hard to believe how grown up he's getting! I was dressing him after his bath the other day and I said, "Look how long your legs are!! You're getting so long!" He told me he didn't want to have long legs but then I told him how great it was and the next thing you know he's yelling for Hollywood to come and see how long his legs were. Teeheehee.

Hollywood - I'm so proud of her! She got all A's and an A+ on her report card, along with 2 "pleasure to have in class" and a "terrific!" on the comments line. What an awesome student!! Tomorrow morning she goes in to get spacers put in between her molars - in preparation for her braces which go on in one week. I'm happy for her.

MK - I'm very proud of her report card too! She's in AP English (advanced placement) and had a really heavy work load in all her classes. She managed to get all A's and one B (in geometry)! Way to go MK!! I am so grateful to have such hard working kids - even though MK was totally frustrated many times with both her English class and her Geometry class, she stuck it out and pulled off awesome grades. Way to go!!

I really admire the young lady that MK is and is becoming. She is such a good girl. She tries hard in school and cares about her future. She exercises every single day and watches what she eats. She has good, close friends that I like to see her hang around and she is so responsible. She's a great dancer and can kick the cowboy hat off of a 6' tall man if she wanted to. I totally trust her and am so thankful that she is such a great kid.

Me - I'm sick again. Ya, no surprise. They took blood this time and said everything looked good except for my white count - that was they said it's bacterial and gave me another round of antibiotics. I have the same sinus/ear pain as before so I also got a referral to an ear, nose, and throat specialist. Great. I don't get that. But maybe I need to go to bed earlier. Like now. :)



  1. Glad they are doing so well. I hope you feel better soon.

    PS - Holly's nickname is also Hollywood!

    - Jennifer

  2. Congrats on the kids doing well. I hope you feel better.

    Carol F.
