We've had some bad luck with pets lately. One of MK's chickens somehow got inside of our dog's fenced in area today and was killed by Brutus. I was so mad! MK was so upset. I took it away from him and we buried her. The chicken's name was Vera. She was one of the really cool chickens - we have a few that are very friendly and inquisitive. This is Vera below just a week or so ago.
I get that Brutus is only doing what his breed of dogs do....but it is still so upsetting. Chickens have personalities and we all get attached to certain ones - she was one of them. MK took it really hard. The chickens are just starting to lay eggs (the ones we got this spring).
Anyway, on to some happier news...well, I still have a job. Yay me. However, we are slow...so 3 weeks ago I got word that my job was going to be cut by 20%...I told them that was fine - but I wasn't going to work 100% and get paid 80% - so I'm now working 4 days a week. I pulled Lil Brother out of daycare 2 days a week to help compensate for the loss of income. He comes to work with me one day and stays with me the other. I also was able to pick up another part time job doing bookkeeping on the side. So yes, now that's 3 jobs.
I'm a little nervous...I have offers for 2 other part time jobs doing bookkeeping too....and I'm toying around with the idea of not going back to work full time (if they allow it). If I stay 4 days a week and work for other clients on the other day(s) I may be able to make more money than if I went back full time. If I am there 4 days a week I'll still be eligible for benefits, so that won't be an issue. This could be the push I need to start working for myself. I'm just not 100% convinced that I should go for it yet and I struggle with what to charge per hour. A former CPA that I work with said not to charge less than $40 per hour, but that seems steep to me. I know I have to charge at least $30 or $35 to make it worth it with traveling at times...I just don't know.
I have also discovered a life-changing financial path...Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. The church that the kids and I started going to offered a course in it and I had heard of Dave Ramsey from my (wise) aunt. So it caught my eye. I signed up for it and I'm telling you what, it has already made a HUGE difference in everything for me. This reduction in pay is totally manageable because I have the tools I need to get through it. Budgeting - telling my money where it is going to go and planning for things. I have never in my life planned things out like I am now. Dave Ramsey gets you motivated & gives you...basically a blue print to success. I LOVE IT. I've just finished week 5 of the 9 week course. So worth it!
Okay, kid updates and pictures....
MK - She's a huge music fan. Just before school started I took MK and Hollywood to see Blake Shelton at the MN State Fair. That was Hollywood's first concert. Hollywood got a t-shirt from this concert - had to it was her first!
MK really wanted to see Josh Turner, so my aunt M. was nice enough to buy her ticket for her b-day coming up and we went to the Josh Turner concert together when he was in MN last month. That was really good! He's a country singer that MK really likes. I would describe him as a Randy Travis-like voice with better songs and no drunken driving or nudity incidents. The venue was smaller and we got to see him so much better - MK really loved it and so did I. She got a t-shirt too.
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A really fuzzy picture I took with my cell phone in the dark. LOL |
MK's school work is going great! She' so busy. She took the PSAT's recently. She's taking 1 AP English course and 1 College Speaking course right now...she's thinking she may do PSEO for her senior year next year. Such an exciting time for her life. She also recently got her first car. My old one. :) I bought a new (used) one for me and passed my old trusty one down to her.
Dance has started and she still loves it. They're first show is in December and then competition starts in Januray.
Hollywood -
My kids all amaze me. I think Hollywood is really pushing herself this year. She's getting great grades and she's in swimming in school too. She's just started confirmation classes at our new church as well. I know it gets to her some days...too much going on all the time. But swimming is ending in just a couple days and then her schedule will get much easier.
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I caught her eye before one of her races. :) |
I'd say she's pretty talented. One day maybe we can own a bakery together. :)
Lil Bro -
He's in preschool 3 days per week. The teachers have commented about him being so smart. He is - super smart. How did I get so lucky to have 3 super smart kids? He is also an excellent artist. His specialty is Angry Birds. He paints them, draws them, talks about them, has all the plush collection of both the Angry Birds and the Angry Birds Space stuffies. He sets ups the piggies and crashes them down with the Angry Birds.
He's into legos right now too - my cousin Erik came over on Saturday and played for what seemed like hours with Lil bro and his legos. Here's a pic of Hollywood playing legos with him.
He's still my sweet little boy...he's got a bit of naughty in him sometimes too...but don't they all! His thing when he gets really mad now is that he furrows his brows and says, "I HATE!" He won't say what or who he is talking about...but it is implied. He knows I don't like him using that word so that is his way really blowing up...like the four year old equivalent of swearing I guess. :)
I have to get going...off to bed. But at least I wrote SOMETHING on here. :)
Good luck with all the jobs. You all sound very busy.