Monday, November 14, 2011

Puss in Boots, Jewelry Parties, and (another) Dr. visit.

Ah, the weekened is over. Sad face. I had a nice weekend. Friday night we cleaned house. Saturday morning I bought food for the jewelry party I had later that brother stopped by and changed some lightbulbs for me that I couldn't reach on my 6' ladder in the living room too. While he was over with the ladder, he cleaned my arch window and sill above my entry door. Such a good brother he is.

Hollywood and her friend (and MK helped decorate) made cupcakes for the party. They even put jewelry on them:

The party went well. I have to be honest though, it was a little annoying to me that people don't RSVP. I invited people through a FB event and also through the mail. I would say only about 25% of the people responded at all. Two that RSVP'd yes didn't show up anyway. I found out though that the mailed invites had the wrong phone number on most of them, so that might explain some of those...and some people don't use FaceBook that much.

I guess I don't have parties like that often at all and I like to make it fun...I ended up making way too much food, just in case some came and didn't RSVP. It was a good reason to get the house and yard cleaned up though and it is always fun getting together with the women in my family. I would have liked to see more of my peeps there, but everyone is so busy all the time. MK and Hollywood's old babysitter came - I love her. I wish she still did daycare. She retired long ago. She's the sweetest, kindest lady ever.

Pet update:

The outside cats and kittens are finally using the heated home I made for them. They're all curled up inside there as I type. The house can fit this many in it right now (they are sleeping on top of it in the picture below):

At least I didn't do all that work for nothing. :)


Hollywood had a friend stay overnight last night and this morning we all went to church (where we met up with my grandma and aunt M.) and afterward we went to see Puss In Boots. I LOVE that movie. It is soooo cute. I guess you can tell I'm sort of a cat person anyway, but that movie was so great even if you're not. I don't want to give any of it I won't say too much. There's a part in there that shows when he was a baby though - so CUTE! Meow.

Medical stuff:

Little Brother was a little whiney and not himself during the movie. He had told me yesterday that his ear hurt and then he kept making a growling sound like this throat hurt this past week. During the movie he said his throat hurt too. I (stupidly) decided to bring him in to the same day clinic to get his ears checked. A kid at his daycare's sister had strep recently too, so I thought it would be better to catch it early. I guess everyone else and thier grandparents decided today was a good day to visit the same day clinic too. Thank goodness the girls went home with my sister because lil bro and I sat there for 3 freakin hours. It was dark outside when we got out. Oh, and he just has a virus. He's my 3rd kid - I should have known better. Sheesh!!! About an hour and half into it I wanted to leave, but you know after you invested that much time you don't just want to give up. Damn it.

Hollywood is doing great wearing contacts, but she doesn't have a pair of glasses with her current prescription in them. I ordered some today from a place online for CHEAP. I ordered one for each of us since I can't see out of mine well anymore due to scratches. I also found a company to order my contacts through (same brand as I currently wear) for $15 less per box than my eye Dr. charges. Yay me!

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