Friday, February 24, 2012

Random Facts & Info

1) The sound of fingernails being clipped grates on my nerves like fingernails on a chalkboard. Especially when I'm in another room and I hear the sound coming from one of the kids in the kitchen. Eeewww.

2) I'm on book 3 of the Hunger Games - love it and cannot wait until the movie comes out next month. The girls are both on book 2 of the series as well.

3) I'm doing audio books from the library on my way to work lately. The one I just finished is called The Wedding Date and the woman who read it had a British accent - very entertaining...about a girl who invents a boyfriend and hires an escort to keep up the lie. I LOVE that accent. I think if I had a British boyfriend he could tell me anything and I'd love him even more. "I just made some love with a lady from the pub - and I may do it again sometime." "I beat up the bloke who you used to fancy - hope you don't mind." "I stole a few thousand pounds out of your handbag." I'd keep him around just to listen to him talk. Hahaha.

The audio tape I'm listening to now is called Daddy's Girl and is super interesting - a suspense sort of one. The American woman's voice sounded so harsh at first in comparison to my sweet British friend, but I'm used to it by now and she is very expressive.

4) I never get into bed before midnight...on work nights! I get home from work around 5:30 or so and that is when my day really begins. Getting the kids in bed at the end of the day is a hurdle in itself...they all want me! LOL. There's homework help, activities 4 nights a week between the 2 girls (dance and swimming), making supper and eating around the table together most nights, talking, helping sort out feelings/friend issues, watching the DVR'd TV programs about once a week together (faster - you can skip commercials), getting all of them to get into their OWN beds with their teeth brushed, contacts removed, and lotion applied where needed (2 of the 3 have skin issues)....and finally I need a little Facebook wind-down after all that and if I'm lucky I get to squeeze in a blog post.

5) I love every minute of my crazy life.

6) I got Lil Bro's picture taken for his 4th birthday coming up. Yay me! Yay him! There were so many great pictures!! I got the girls to do some pictures too so I have some of all three together and some of each of them too. Here's a sneak peek:

He wanted his Angry Birds in some of the awesome photographer (who happens to be my BFF) pretty much let him do whatever he wanted...and that worked! :)

7) MK takes her driver's license exam next week. Yikes. I'm old. She'll pass. It would be nice if I could send her on errands here and there...she could even drive herself to dance! :) I'm scared to death of her driving by herself and she's in no hurry either so we'll probably take it slow.

8) MK's teen survival class is learning about the whole reproductive I get a recap each day of the stuff they talked about and how much of it makes the guys in their class squirm. I never had a class like that in high school. They go over everything - even tools used in a pap smear - complete with one to show to the know the shoe-horn one. The guys concluded that they were so glad to be guys because they could never go through that. That was yesterday. Today they watched a couple of births - on DVD of course. She has a whole new respect for me. She couldn't believe I survived them sticking the epidural needle in my spine for Hollywood's birth. I'm like WHAT? That felt GOOD compared to the pain from the contractions. She described in great detail what the pelvis has to go through to just get the baby out - bones moving - everything stretching. I reminded her that she got stuck in that spot and I pushed for over 2 hours trying to get her out of my pelvis. Like I said, she's got a whole new respect for me. LOL

I do think one thing they are forced to do - guys and girls alike is awesome! They have to write 4 papers taking a different approach to teen pregnancy with each one - 1) keeping the baby as a single teen parent 2) getting married to the other parent and raising the baby together 3) giving it up for adoption and 4) abortion. It has brought about many great discussions between the two of us on each option. It's very interesting to hear her thoughts on the subject. There have been take home questions too - like what would my first reaction be if she came home to tell me she was pregnant. After we discussed it for some time she left to write everything on her paper. Later she came back to me and said "Thank you" - for supporting her with her fake pregnancy. LOL I'm not worried at all about that ever happening with her.

9) Okay, 12:27 am - off to bed. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed. One kid and getting to bed around 10:30 is all I can handle.
