Wednesday, February 15, 2012

So - how is your life? Mine's pretty good right now. I have taken a step in the right direction with my weight. I want this year to be my year - the year I lose all this fat and get to a much healthier weight. I joined Weight Watchers on Feb 1st. My mom and MK joined too. I've been doing really good at it. I just had my 2nd weigh in and I'm down 10.4 pounds total. I try not to think about how much more I have to go...too depressing. So I set smaller goals for losing 20 pounds to start from here....and then I have numbers I want to get to..numbers I remember being at before I gained...numbers on my way down to what they set my goal weight to be. Honestly, I don't care if I don't get all the way to the goal weight for me. I'd be happy at about 13 pounds more than they say...but I'm going to shoot for the goal anyway and re-evaluate along the way. I feel so much better already...just finally seeing the scale going down instead of up.

We've been passing colds around right now MK is pretty sick..sore throat and cough. Lil Brother is getting better and Hollywood is also a lot better...for those 2 it was short-lived, so I'm hoping that's the case for MK. I have the littlest bit of discomfort in my throat that just started tonight. So I guess I'm next. Boo! Hiss!

Today we had Lil Brother's check up for his teeth. The pediatric dentist told me that his mouth was the 2nd smallest he's ever seen or had to work on. He stressed that it was really difficult to get in there...and I translate that into "save up for braces in about 7 or 8 years". He said that the caps look good...I've been too delicate in the brushing since he's had the work done though so I guess I can be more aggressive now. I've been scared to brush too hard...I felt terrible the first few times I brushed and he said it hurt. Now he just has to go back for check ups every 6 months and it should be good.

The hygenist that was working in another booth noticed Lil Bro's Angry Bird he had with him...she started to tell us about another little guy who brought 2 Angry Bird pigs in to surgery with him...and then she said - "Wait - was that you?" It was. Lil Bro had brought his 2 Angry Bird pigs in with him and she said they all thought it was so cute. :)

Part of my weight loss strategy is to get more sleep than the 5 or 6 hours a night I usually get (and drink more milk). So - I'm off for now. Goodnight.


  1. I'm glad to hear G is feeling better.

    Good luck on fighting colds. Michael has had one since the end of Dec - it waxes and wanes but will not give up. I figure we are in for colds until Michael learns not to put his fingers in his mouth. I'm hoping not to catch it.

    I wish you luck with the weight loss. It's hard work to lose weight. I admire your positive attitude.

  2. Glad the teeth are looking good! Congrats on the weight loss. I am doing weight watchers too- I always wonder if I would be at my goal if I stayed on it the whole time I'm paying for it!
